
When Mobile Web Development comes to creating a successful product, designers should always focus on a mix of key elements such as performance, looks, brand, functionality and user friendliness to mention just a few. There are numerous aspects that need to be carefully considered before creating a successful app, however, the following list aims to provide some basic guidelines to go by as well as some important tips that can make the difference between brilliant or bust.

The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Web Development

1. Don’t Lose Focus of Your Product’s Main Goal

When it comes to mobile Web Development you should know that good apps aren’t described by design, by the way they seamlessly blend into their interface, nor their price. The way an app performs the task it set out to perform in the first place is the first and most important measure of its quality. So while design, looks and user friendliness are all important aspects, developers should always try to first focus on the functionality of the app. If you want to make a shopping application for example, make sure it does this task perfectly before refining your product’s aspect and other extra features.

2. Increase Apparent Speed through Good Design

Mobile Web Development an understatement to say that speed is important. The faster an app loads the better the user’s experience, however, sometimes there are factors that can delay the load time of an app. While designers can do little about the speed of the internet in some locations or the quality of a phone’s hardware, they can implement simple and smart measures that give users a series of small waiting times instead of a single longer one. Numerous loading animations, along with the gradual loading of text and images will give the loading time a sequenced feel and distract the user from what is a slower connection.

3. Try To Incorporate the UI in Your Design

While it may often be forgotten or even wilfully ignored, the importance of creating an app that can easily blend into the user interface can make the difference between a successful product and a failure. It is important for an application to be able to subtly reflect the user interface without compromising any of the uniqueness of the design and certainly none of its functionality. Creating a common theme between the interface and app can often encourage reuse and will most likely lead to a good number of people using your product instead of the competition due to mere similarity, even without any extra compatibility features with the interface. Play around with fonts, pictures and proportions to create a unique yet recognizable product that allows your team enough creative freedom without estranging your possible user base.

4. Know Your Target & Focus On It

It is important to know of what your target audience is. This means that you should pretty much have an idea of who your product is designed for and what those people expect from it as well as what the competition looks like. In case you are developing several apps at the same time you should always try to put more focus on the app that is addressed to the biggest potential market, regardless of platform. Focus on delivering your product to the most people you can as soon as possible and allot time to improve and diversify later, even if it means you go from cross platform to a single platform or you delay the release of a second version for another platform.

5. Raise Awareness

Make sure you get your app out there and get as many people using it as quickly as possible. Don’t hesitate to use every marketing tool you have including websites, which is a distribution platform that will allow you a lot of control and flexibility in terms of how you promote your product.

6. Don’t Ignore the Importance of a Good Description

A well thought out Mobile Web Development or landing page can be a great help to a new app, particularly when its competition is harsh. It can offer a lot of extra information about what the product does and why it is better than the competition while also showcasing some of the stunning design the app has. Yes, besides information, a landing page can often be a great way of simply providing visitors with an amazing design, one that will inspire them to try out the application in the hope they will find the same balance, beauty and functionality of the webpage’s design.

7. Scaling, It’s Important

The way an app looks is extremely important and even well thought out well functioning apps have missed their full potential due to lack of character and an unappealing design. A scaling tool, if nothing else, will allow you to determine the most important parts of the design process. It will also give you a relevant structure for the importance of each addition, starting from the very basic elements and on to the little details that make some apps extremely intricate and beautiful.